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Our Blog

An ongoing series of informational entries

Our Latest Blog Entry

March 15, 2020

S.O.U.L. ---> Spirit Open Unifying Love;

         Consciousness = Self.Aware; What's BE.yond Consciousness?

Our Second Blog Entry

February 14, 2020

CLAR.IT.Y: a printing press 'makes' money: We generate income ... we earn money, actively & passively. It's just what's so ...

Our First Blog Entry

January 15, 2020

"... 'CALM. UP & settle down ..."

Attention 'set' tle in ... Breathe ... 'now'; this moment ...

 ... and NOW it's the next;

What 2 Create ? a realm of possibilities w/ 360 degree option[s].

The 'moment' is a conscious choice; choose [create] 'wisely' ...

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